
〒453-0811 名古屋市中村区太閤通5-33

TAIKOH Neurosurgical Clinic English Page click here

名古屋市 脳神経外科 中村区|太閤クリニック 地下鉄桜通線 太閤通駅 整形外科 リハビリテーション科 内科 椎間板ヘルニア PLDD 頭痛 めまい

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TAIKOH Neurosurgical Clinic Coming Up 11th October 2011!!

Our specialty and passion is Neurosurgery. We appreciate your selection of this practice to provide the neurosurgical services you desire. Please know that by choosing the TAIKOH Neurosurgical Clinic you have chosen quality. The Neurosurgical Clinic's mission is to provide the best neurological care possible. Our team of doctor and staff make every effort to exceed the expectations of patients and their families. We provide advanced diagnostic procedures that include intensive history taking, special ultimate neurological examinations, X-rays, Cat Scan (CT), Infusion Therapy, PLDD (Percutaneous LASER Disk Decompression) for cervical / lumber disk hernia.

TAIKOH Clinic is located along Taikoh street from JR Nagoya Station toward Nakamura park (nakamurakouenn) at the 5th block (choume) street corner, connected by walkway 5minitues from the Taiko-dori station of the Sakuradohri line, subway system of Nagoya city.

English speaking doctor specialize in Neurosurgery (he has neurosurgical diploma) General surgery, Minor cosmetic plastic surgery, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, offer General Medical Services including Health Screenings,Annual Checkups, Travel Medicine, Anti-Aging Medicine, etc.


Our Policies

Our Policies to get along with Patients of our Clinic:

  • #1
    Not to see disease alone, to see Patients themselves include whole their Characters with whole their Life.
  • #2
    To relief your physical / mental pain with all our surgical / not surgical procedures , medications , counseling with all our efforts.
  • #3
    Through all efforts to take care of patients, our staffs include Directer progress with all our efforts.

A characteristic

Centers of excellence at The Neurology Clinic include:

Alzheimer's Disease / Memory Disorders Brain Tumors(non-surgical care)Cerebrovascular disease

Epilepsy various type of headache included Migraines,Muscle contraction headache,Vascular headache,Exertion,headache,Chinese restaurant headache,and so on.

Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathy Parkinson's Disease
Cervical Spondylosis Lumbar Spondylosis
Narrow Canal
Cervical / Lumbar Intervertebral disk herniation
Internal Medicine such as HTN DM Hyper lipidemia Smoking and so on are well controlled.
general day surgery
non-surgical orthopaedic injury

Stroke Sequelae Rehabilitation for stroke, trauma, various type of fractures Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus



consultation hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

※ Surgery in the reservation.
Consultation after first visit.
Wednesday, Sunday, National holidays, Saturday afternoon

Specialist outpatient reception at any time
(Headache Dementia Dizziness Numbness
Quit Smoking Alopecia Obesity)

TAIKOH Neurosurgical Clinic
5-33 Taikoh-street Nakamura
Nagoya-city Aichi-pref
453-0811, Japan



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